Eye Examination

Eye Examination in detail

Many people are worried about visiting the optometrist, as with the dentist.  In this section we will try and dispel some of the myths surrounding the eye exam and give you a clear idea as to what to expect.

1. History and Symptoms

The optician will ask about any problems you may be experiencing with your vision. You will also be asked about your own and your family’s medical history. Several eye conditions are hereditary and many others are related to health, so it is important to take these factors into account.

2. Retinoscope

Your optician will look at your eyes through a small hand-held instrument that shines a light into your eyes. The light bounces off the back of your eye and by focusing the beam it’s possible to get an approximate measurement of the strength of your glasses.

3. Subjective tests

These are tests where you say what you see. You look through special glasses at various images projected onto the opposite wall while your optometrist flips different lenses in front of your eyes. These tests determine the best strength for your glasses.

4. Inside Your Eye

Your optician shines a bright light into your eye and examines the health of the back of the eye and to check the clarity of the lens. During this part of the examination, any early indications of high blood pressure, glaucoma or cataract can be picked up.  The digital retinal camera and OCT can also be used for a more in depth examination.  Certain people, such as the over 60s and diabetics are recommended to have their pupils made larger with drops to allow an even better view of the back of the eye.

5. Peripheral Vision

Your optician may want to test for conditions such as glaucoma, which affect the peripheral vision more than central vison. This is done using a visual field screener, which flashes dots of light against a black background and you say how many dots you see and where. If you fail to see some dots, you may have a blind spot.

6. Eye Pressure

A machine blows a puff of air into your eyes to measure their internal pressure. This is an important test that can indicate the early stages of glaucoma.

7. Outside Your Eye

A slit lamp – a powerful, illuminated microscope – is used to check the outside of your eye.  The health of the cornea, lids and lashes are assessed in this way.

8. The Prescription

After you have completed all the tests, your optician will give you your prescription and explain the recommendations; if you require spectacles we will help you to choose a style to match your looks and budget.

9. Additional tests

We also offer a number of additional examinations and services as required as part of our eye examination.  Some of these are listed below.